Sint Lucas Masters 2023-2024
Posterior Hot Zone

Posterior Hot Zone

Arthur Saint-Remy

Digital Context  2023-2024

Posterior Hot Zone showcases a virtual dream world directly connected to my physical existence and driven by my sleep data, obtained through a Fitbit smartwatch. Night after night, the dynamic environment of this world is shaped by my sleep rhythms and patterns. The dream world is only accessible when I fall asleep in the real world, during waking hours, the digital dream world remains dormant. Posterior Hot Zone presents a daily one-to-one replay of my nocturnal life in the dream world.

The work translates abstract and scientific biodata into a visually accessible interpretation. A Fitbit Smartwatch tracks my heart rate and movement during sleep, generating a detailed sleep report. The collected data is subsequently linked to parameters of various signed distance functions (SDFs) within a GLSL shader, which together form the dream world. When the Fitbit detects a phase of light sleep, the mountains in the virtual terrain grow; deep sleep regulates the growth of vegetation, and periods of REM sleep distort and displace the entire dreamworld. The smartwatch also measures Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data, which provides insight into my sleep quality. These data determine the digital weather conditions.

Posterior Hot Zone explores the concept of living a double life and the intersection between physical and digital realms. This work enables me to remain productive even while asleep. In today's world, where productivity and results are highly valued, Posterior Hot Zone represents the pinnacle of productivity. Whether this perpetual productivity results in something valuable is, of course, subjective.